I know that Meteor has issues with SEO. Is there a way of solving this problem?
Is a cure planned in one of the future releases?
Is there a way to have Meteor be great with SEO?
I know that Meteor has issues with SEO. Is there a way of solving this problem?
Is a cure planned in one of the future releases?
Is there a way to have Meteor be great with SEO?
Is there a problem even if you use HTML5 History API (e.g. Iron Router)? I thought spiders (at least the big ones) could handle that by now.
Yes I would try out prerender. Google/Search engines work without SSR but Facebook for example does not get content properly yet from client rendered apps.
This is how to do it with the prerender-node npm package (I suggest using that one versus the package since it imports Blaze & jquery) Note, you should run this code as soon as possible server-side.
// require prerender and get prerender tokens
const prerender = require('prerender-node');
const settings = Meteor.settings.prerender;
// tell prerender to fetch page
if (settings && settings.token) {
prerender.set('prerenderToken', settings.token);
Meteor + React can do awesome server-side rendering and good SEO, maintain a PageSpeed Insights score of 100/100 and still be a full blown web app.
See this Stack Overflow question and answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38339780/score-100-on-google-pagespeed-insights-using-meteor-ie-a-web-app-landing-page/
An example page: http://bc-real-estate-math.com/