How can I get the Isotope package from Atmosphere to behave appropriately with nested templates? Such as:
<template name="articlesArchive">
<div class="grid">
{{#each articles}}
{{> article}}
<template name="article">
<div class="grid-item">
Template.articlesArchive.rendered = function() {
// options
itemSelector: '.grid-item',
layoutMode: 'fitRows'
This attaches the correct style to the grid, but not to each grid item. If I use this instead:
Template.article.rendered = function() {
// options
itemSelector: '.grid-item',
layoutMode: 'fitRows'
It still doesn’t work properly. Sometimes the isotope styling is attached to a few of the items, sometimes to all of the items, sometimes to none of the items. Is there a more appropriate way I should be initializing the isotope function?