Isotope package with nested templates

How can I get the Isotope package from Atmosphere to behave appropriately with nested templates? Such as:

<template name="articlesArchive">
  <div class="grid">
    {{#each articles}}
      {{> article}}

<template name="article">
  <div class="grid-item">

Template.articlesArchive.rendered = function() {
    // options
    itemSelector: '.grid-item',
    layoutMode: 'fitRows'

This attaches the correct style to the grid, but not to each grid item. If I use this instead:

Template.article.rendered = function() {
    // options
    itemSelector: '.grid-item',
    layoutMode: 'fitRows'

It still doesn’t work properly. Sometimes the isotope styling is attached to a few of the items, sometimes to all of the items, sometimes to none of the items. Is there a more appropriate way I should be initializing the isotope function?

Before initializing isotope make sure your subscription is ready and each article has had time to be added to the DOM or use the approach described in this post: Blaze: How to force a template to rerender from scratch?