Why do you think I have opened two tickets with MongoDb? Because I don’t need help?
If you’re a customer of them then you should know they offer first 30 days of support for free.
Also, like stated we’re in beta still, not in production but close to launch if we wouldn’t waste our time with a sudden problem that never occurred on Compose.io.
I’m telling my experience, if that is bashing then maybe it’s because so far it’s anything than a perfect experience. Why do you think now even a VP from MongoDb has apologized? Because I bash them?
We all know that in order to win customer over from the competitors every entry barrier must be removed. Even a single question too much asked in your sign-on process can be a showstopper and leading to less new customer.
So if pointing out that MongoDb indeed can remove a lot of barriers by providing an easy way to win Meteor clients who run their database on Compose.io is bashing a company then I might misunderstand the meaning of bashing. To me bashing is unsubstantial, without proof.
I think I’ve highlighted that there are enough hurdles in the current process. Even when their help desk tried to help. It was my employee and not MongoDb help desk who figured out it was all caused through different MongoDb version that lead to us not being able to import the data in the first place.
As for the free instance, why not limit it after 30 days? Everyone can try Atlas for 30 days without the current restrictions of no oplog, only a max of 100 transaction per second (which makes it impossible to guess if the performance is better, same or worse).
There is actually a long list of features that aren’t working in the free version. I do get it that they don’t want customer to free ride a production environment. Everyone needs money to run their business but with my 30 days model suggested above it would give us a fair test ride and a like-for-like comparison with our current provider.
Another point, why is it so damn complicated to convert from the free “sandbox” version to a paid version? Another unnecessary hurdle build in by MongoDb. See here for details: Migrate Data from an M0 (Free Tier) Cluster to a Paid Cluster
Lastly, I do see that you’ve just joined Meteor forum and this is your first post. It might be that this is just a coincidence and you do indeed work as an Application Developer for North 40 Outfitters.
Well I hope it’s that way as it would be really lame for any MongoDb employee to not identify himself when commenting on here. Right?
So happy to have you on board at Meteor
Have a great day too!