Quoting from the article:
We’ve also seen an increase in local-first/sync engine technology. How that is to manifest itself is still left to be seen, but I expect it to be a continuing trend into 2025.
Meteor’s sync-engine abilities are a selling point, as discussed in this thread.
Is sync-engine a topic we should be exploring on TWIM?
I think so. Lots of people should weigh in. Would it be helpful to feature sync-engine features in marketing materials for Meteor?
What direction would you like to see us take it? Compare and contrast with other platforms and frameworks? Explore what MeteorJS already has and what it would need to be fully sync-engine capable (Gap analysis)? How important is it as a developing trend?
Yes, all of the above. The first question perhaps, is “How important is it as a developing trend?”. If there’s a consensus that this is potentially important, then the next questions come into play.
One way to determine if this may be an important selling point for Meteor might be to do - not A/B testing but something a bit more sophisticated, as described here:
20 lines of code that will beat A/B testing every time
A/B testing is used far too often, for something that performs so badly. It is defective by design: Segment users into two groups. Show the A group the old, tried and true stuff. Show the B group the new whiz-bang design with the bigger buttons and slightly different copy. After a while, take a look at the stats and figure out which group presses the button more often. Sounds good, right? The problem is staring you in the face. It is the same dilemma faced by researchers administering drug studies. During drug trials, you can only give half the patients the life saving treatment. The others get sugar water. If the treatment works, group B lost out. This sacrifice is made to get good data. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
A number of different headlines could be developed via group discussion on the forum, and then tested as headlines and/or subheads on the Meteor.js home page. One of them would be something like, “the leading sync-engine framework”. If “sync-engine” gets more clicks/signups, that could suggest that it may be an important selling point.