Hi, I am migrating the ‘alanning:roles’ package from v1 to v3, and I want to do this from a migrations file with “meteor/percolate:migrations” package.
In the ‘alaning:roles’ documentation, to migrate to v2, I need to launch this:
Yes, I’ve installed the @types/meteor-roles package and created a TS file with the hook Migrations.add but I get Property '_forwardMigrate' does not exist on type 'typeof Roles'. error in the IDE.
import { Migrations } from "meteor/percolate:migrations";
import { Roles } from "meteor/alanning:roles";
version: 41,
name: "Migrate alaning roles to v3.",
up() {
down() {},
Types are already part of the package, no need to install the @types one. But still we don’t have that function in the definition.
Feel free to submit a PR or raise an issue on the repository.