Launching 160 view - Ask. Hear. Rate. Your opinion matters!

Our goal is to share opinions and views on diverse topics in the shortest word limit – a total of 160 characters. A lot of discussion forums exist where a majority of opinions are very long thus testing the reader’s patience and comprehension. We want to provide a holistic view of a topic in one screen packed with small text views from different people – experts and amateurs alike. We want to bring together people with different perspectives so they can understand each other better, and to empower everyone to share their views for the benefit of the rest of the world.

So, ask, hear & rate. Your opinion matters! News, questions, answers & opinions by the people for the people!

Please let me know your feedback and suggestions :slight_smile:

Google Playstore:
Apple Appstore:

So that would be

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Oops, forgot to post the link :slight_smile: Thank you @robfallows! Edited the OP.

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Looking through the various topics, I noticed that “Ask a question” is causing people to … you know … ask questions, which doesn’t really work with the “Agree” / “Disagree” thing. The wording could perhaps be changed to “Make a statement …”.

Nice mobile UI, by the way. Well done.

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@babrahams Yes, you are absolutely right :slight_smile: I owe you a beer :stuck_out_tongue:

Pondering over it “Make a statement” is indeed the underlying concept/crux of 160 view. Thank you very much for the valuable suggestion!

I tried my best with the UI although I’m not a designer, hence, I am really honored with the complements about UI.

If it doesn’t bother much, can you please install our Android/iOS app and let us know what you think? That would be a great help!


PS: Check

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Also, why can we not select text?

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OIC, it’s ze style.

Good work anyhow.

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The ios app works just as well as the web version, although without a back button on ios app, you can get trapped forever on the sign in page if you click “Ask a question” but don’t actually want to sign up/in.

Yes indeed! Basically, we started with the Android app and are predominantly Android developers. Hence, as you mentioned and I concur, I think we need to revisit our app and think about iOS UX based on the point you have mentioned. and other iOS UX guidelines in general. Thank you so much @babrahams, you are really helpful!

Nice idea.

When the issues are displayed, I couldn’t tell (until I tried) that the box is clickable.

When I did click an issue, I still can’t see where I can vote yes/no.(?)

@babrahams Just wanted to inform you that we have indeed implemented your idea of changing the text from “Ask a question” to “Make a statement” :slight_smile:

HI @chrisco23,

Thanks for your feedback! I can completely understand issues around UX since we are not good at it :disappointed:

We are planning to hire some UX engineers to improve the design and usability of the app. Such feedback always helps since we can take these to our future UX engineers.

I am glad that you like the idea though :slight_smile: