Launching OneFamily, a social network for Families and a family discovery tool

It’s a fascinating project, and I applaud your effort.

On other thing: can One Family survive this test data :smiling_imp: I’m my own Granpa – Ray Stevens!


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I know I should not waste your time with too many suggestions, but for insanely fast interrogation of vast ad hoc relationship graphs nothing beats Gremlin from the Tinkerpop stack.

Check out this astounding demo : Gremlin: A Graph Traversal Language (Tutorial 1)

@warpdrive This is great! I’m very excited for you and your project! This gives me a lot of motivation for building my project!

Just curious, have you come up with a solution for SSR w/ Meteor + React + React Router? I’d like to build my SaaS using the same stack but I’m trying to decide whether or not I should use React based on if I can get SSR figured out.

@barbatus, Thanks for all the suggestions.

  • I still have Blaze because I am using it on the server to create HTML emails. The Email code is from Telescope project. My future plan is to use ES6 template literals to create HTML emails. Once I move to ES6 template literals, not only I can remove Blaze but also three other Atmosphere packages that I am using for email.

  • I am using Lodash. There was no reason it pick it up over underscore apart from the fact that it was the latest cool tech. I am not even using Lodash a lot. I have made a util library with pure JS code. So, I can easily get rid of Lodash (and underscore if I could).

  • Never heard of “npm prune”. Will read about it and then try.

  • The use of npm or atmosphere packages is already minimal. I have done what you suggested - copy and paste the functionality that’s needed. MomentJS is one library that’s heavy. I will get rid of it in the future.

  • D3 library is also big but that’s an integral part of “Family map” feature.

Sadly no. And it’s impacting SEO. That’s why I moved Blogs to Medium.
If SEO is important to you, Next Js might be a good choice to start with - Server side rendering is default and also gives you an option to render client-side. So you can pick and choose which page you want server side rendered and which one client side.

@warehouseman, Thanks for the links. When researching on Graph database, I did come across Gremlin. I didn’t know how to integrate it with Meteor though. I took tutorials on Neo4J graphs too. But at the end of the day, just made a crude graph structure using MongoDB. It works well for now. I don’t “save” Family Map of the user. It’s dynamically created when they login.

@warehouseman, Funny song. Thanks for sharing it.

Could OneFamily survive this test data? :slight_smile:

I think it will. The reason I say that because the “Family Map” is created dynamically when the user logs in and the map is created from the user’s point of view. The logged-in user is always in the center of the map and all relationships fan out from that user. So, it will be able to show the relationships even if I’m my own Granpa – Ray Stevens2!

I think your app is down

aren’t you worried about flexbox browser support? or are you using some fallbacks / shivs?

Yes. There was an error today because I was trying to make it HTTPS. I think it’s gone now, at least for me. If you do encounter it again, please do let me know.

Edit: I think I spoke a little too soon. I am still getting the error though on a random basis. It works and then it doesn’t. Damn CloudFlare. (Though probably my mistake somewhere.)

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Bravo! Brilliant achievement.
Inspiring to see outcomes like this.
Meteor is awesome.

For sure theres a market for you here… if you follow up on users expressed needs :wink:
eg my kith and kin (all just regular web users, not tech minded at all) are regularly frustrated by the arcanery of Ancestry et al (as they perceive it). Especially regarding getting their uploaded media, downloading some meaningful representation of a tree for hard copy …

best to you

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Yes I saw the cloudfare error too. Looking forward to checking it out!

@pal, Thanks a lot for your response. I have not used Ancestry yet but I should - to check out the competition. When I got the idea, I was thinking of OneFamily simply as a social network for families. But I have been receiving user feedback and requests to add Genealogy features like Ancestry and MyHeritage, say document search, DNA matching, uploading and downloading Family Tree etc. I will add these feature over time. My current focus is on creating phone apps and chat feature.

Your feedback is very valuable. Could you give me more feedback on what would you like to see at OneFamily. What are the complaints against Ancestry that I can solve?

Anyone else who has used Ancestry or MyHeritage, please chip in with your feedback.

Thanks a lot in advance.

I don’t have any fallback if FlexBox is not supported. Due to auto-update feature of FireFox, Chrome and Opera, I am hoping it will not be a big issue. Most of the users should be on latest build. I have decided not to support IE. Too much work for a browser with miniscule market share.

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Your welcome. I think the mobile/social route is interesting…and have no meaningful recommendations about how far to pursue the ‘ancestry’ route. There are plenty of me too offerings…all very good. Ancestry has very deep pockets. Others have what might be great tech, but not market position. For instance this job posting i came across today:

Against such resources, what to do? Well, ‘don’t compete…differentiate’ is my mantra :slight_smile: , by addressing the real needs of your current users -> rather than second guessing the market
(I learnt this lesson this new year, hand delivering flyers in central london (cant get more targeted marketing than that)… getting zero response where i was sure there was demand.

Now monetising the silver surfers… thats a whole other art!

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It is terrific to see that the overall atmosphere on the forum has improved. And one of the reason is that people keep on announcing great new apps! Thank you @warpdrive for the announcement and your replies. Good luck with the app!

Could you please elaborate a bit more about the encryption method/package you have used to store the encrypted data in the database? I’ve been examining the topic and so far ended up with mylar which I still need to try out. Did you use anything else for that?


I have outsourced the MongoDB to Atlas. Here is a blog that I followed to set it up.

You will notice that in the screenshot at step 3.3, there is an option - “Use encrypted storage volumes”. Just check the box and the data is secured.

After the set-up, I wanted to know more about what “encrypted storage volumes” meant so I contacted support. They use AWS for MongoDB hosting and the encryption is actually AWS feature. They sent me two links to read. Here they are -

  1. Amazon EBS encryption now available
  2. Amazon EBS Encryption
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@pal, thanks for affirming my belief in "differentiate’’. It means a lot to me. Based on user feedbacks, I was getting torn in prioritising my next features. I think I should stick to my plans. Copying Ancestry or MyHeritage at this stage will do no good (nor do I have the money for that). Eventually, those features would come based on market demand but, you are right, not now. Another “Me too” project wouldn’t survive.

@warpdrive Just thinking about this all weekend and I came across this! Looks pretty solid and it’s last commit (as of 30 jan 17) was 44 minutes ago! Might be worth a look!

@optymystyc07, thanks for the suggestion. I read the guide and it uses react-router 4. I am still on react-router 3.x. There is a massive change between 3.x and 4.0. Considering other things I have on my plate, I will need at least a few weeks before I can upgrade my react router and try ssr-server.

But it does look promising. Thanks for sharing the info.