The above can be expanded on I guess. In the below, an example of ©:
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; // using MobX to manage state as opposed to setState...
import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton'; // using material ui...
@observer // there are no observables as this is a
// lower component. A higher component handles an
// observable store.
export class RootPath extends Component {
// a standard function all my components have. Basically
// I pass it in as a prop so any component downstream can
// manipulate the store up top.
// Note: this is not best practise. I have done it this way so I can pull it out later
// and load it from another location, where I will put in tests; once the functionality is done.
handleOutput(toChange, newValue) {
this.props.output(toChange, newValue);
handleTouchTap() {
this.handleOutput('groupSelection', ''); // so onTouchTap event,
this.handleOutput('entitySelection', ''); // do some stuff to manipulate
this.handleOutput('paneSelection', 'entityAdmin'); // the store...
render() {
const styles = {
path: {
margin: '5px',
if (this.props.selections.entitySelection.length > 0) {
return (
/> >
return (
RootPath.propTypes = {
selections: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // the store I am using
output: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // func to manipulate the store contents...
So, in the above, there is no need for componentWillMount as the component looks at the store prop to work out what to do. Because the store prop is an observable object, any change causes a re render of whatever is dependent on it. This is using mobX to manage state…
If we were using this.setState and not mobX; in essence, it would look something like below. Note this is without a store, as if it is independent. The componentWillMount runs before the component is mounted for the first time. To make this reactive, we would tell the component to expect props using similar lifecycle methods. :
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton';
export class RootPath extends Component {
// We would need a constructor here
// This would initialize a bunch of states
// Here we would need something like:
// componentWillMount() {
// this.setState = whatever...
// }
// Other functions to manage various state mutations...
handleTouchTap() {
// do some state mutations or call some functionality...
render() {
const styles = {
path: {
margin: '5px',
if (this.props.selections.entitySelection.length > 0) {
return (
/> >
return (
RootPath.propTypes = {
selections: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
output: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
Thanks so much.
tl,dr: use componentWillMount() to simulate onLoad…