Why is not updated on the site when a change to the database In the Data?
Case = new MysqlSubscription(‘allCase’);
TopUser = new MysqlSubscription(‘TopUser’);
//User = new MysqlSubscription(‘TopUser’);
if (Meteor.isClient) {
TopUser: function () { TopUser.depend(); console.log(TopUser); return TopUser.reactive(); } });
Template.footer.helpers({ stats: function () { return { case: 50 }; } });
Template.index.helpers({ cases: function () { return Case.reactive(); } });
if (Meteor.isServer) {
var liveDb = new LiveMysql({
host: ‘localhost’
, user: ‘case’
, password: ‘case’
, database: ‘case’
, minInterval: 200
var closeAndExit = function () {
// Close connections on hot code push
process.on('SIGTERM', closeAndExit);
// Close connections on exit (ctrl + c)
process.on('SIGINT', closeAndExit);
Meteor.startup(function () { Tracker.autorun(function () { console.log('There are ' + TopUser + ' posts'); }); });
Meteor.publish('TopUser', function () {
return liveDb.select( 'select `users`.`id`, `users`.`username`, `users`.`avatar`, `users`.`steamid64`, `game`.`case` as `case`, SUM(game.price) as top_value, SUM(case.price) as moneys, COUNT(game.id) as games_played from `users` inner join `game` on `game`.`userid` = `users`.`id` and `game`.`status` = 1 and `case` > 0 inner join `case` on `case`.`id` = `game`.`case` group by `users`.`id` order by `top_value` desc limit 20', [{ table: 'user' }] ); });
Meteor.publish('allCase', function () {
return liveDb.select( 'SELECT * FROM `case` WHERE `id` != 0 ORDER BY `nomer` DESC', [{ table: 'case' }] ); }); }