Log Match failed [400]

I have a wrapper around all method calls as such:

export const CallReturn = async (caller, data = "") => {
  const callResult = await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    Meteor.call(caller, data, (error, result) => {
      if (error) {
        CallError(caller, error, data);
        return reject(error);

  return callResult;

This allows me to catch all errors and log them to the db without configuring if (error) on each call.

When a match failed is logged to the db, I can only see:

"message" : {
        "isClientSafe" : true,
        "error" : 400,
        "reason" : "Match failed",
        "message" : "Match failed [400]",
        "errorType" : "Meteor.Error"

When viewing /var/log/syslog I can see more detailed information such as the exact line where the match has failed. Is there a way to get that information in the error message?

Example check on a method:

check(data, {
      challengeId: String,
      type: String,
      date: Date,
      unit: Number,
      measurementType: String,
      measurementUnit: String,
      userId: Match.Maybe(String)