Looking for an assist updating a meteor application (there are actually two versions written at the same time but it should be the same for both) to the latest versions of Node.JS and Meteor.
Looking for assist deploying app to AWS when we are done with this.
Here are the details:
Vers. #1
o Migrate from Meteor 1.4.2 to 1.9 (and so from Node 4.6.0 to 12.14.0).
o There is a Cordova app associated with the project we will look into after we update the web app.
o Previously configured the app to use AWS S3, CloudFront, and Elastic Beanstalk. We need to kickstart these services again, and make sure the local dev environment uses these technologies in a way that does not interfere with production code / UX.
o No users yet, but we will have test users very soon
o Code adjustments:
Swap out “to-markdown” with “Turndown” and “maxmind-db-reader” to “node-maxmind”
Adjustments to development mode so there are not conflicts with production mode data
Vers. #2
o This significantly improved version separates the client and the server code into two separate meteor applications, reorganizes common classes & components, and implements a series of useful decorators. It is well-documented, too.
o We will do all as above in Vers. #1, including config and deploy to AWS, with Vers. #2.
o Saving this version for the next “to do” because the I had to backburner the whole project a while back— I want to get the first version wrapped around my head before we jump into the more robust and scalable version.
So far my strategy has been to create a new meteor app and slowly import pieces of the old app until something breaks, fix it, then drive on…
I’m sure you’ll get offers assistance from the members here, maybe myself included depending on how much time might be involved.
Can you give us an idea of the current Meteor version and package lists? The Meteor version can be found in /.meteor/release, Meteor packages are in /.meteor/packages and npm packages are in /package.json.
Also, is it just a web-app or also Cordova with Android and/or iOS apps?
Do you currently have live websites/apps with active users which need to be migrated? Does your deployment need to have high-availability, automatic scaling, etc, or is it just a simple web app which can run on a single instance including database?
I edited my question to give you a better idea of the work ahead. LMK if you’re still interested. I have a list of all packages for both versions of the app.
Hi Phillip, I ended up using ECS, and an ECR container that builds from a Dockerfile and buildspec.yml file in a codepipeline that builds when code is pushed to the Master branch. I had some help and yeah… —it does not work yet! The container builds and I can log into the instance but it’s hard to see if meteor is running. We think it’s the port mappings but I am not quite sure… the Dockerfile properly exposes port 3000…
If you are around and might have time to help with this or are available to assist with other updates, please let me know: marcus@smgmobile.com