Looking for Meteor+React+Bootstrap boilerplate


I am looking for a good boilerplate with Meteor1.3 + React + Bootrstrap. Please suggest. After reading some documentaiton, I am finding that the provided documentation is fairly imcomplete and incoherent. The documentation used to be clearer and coherent till the recent switch to 1.3.

I don’t want any Blaze in my project. I would like pure React. And am also inclined to not have the Kadira router, unless somebody can convince me that it is better than the React router. i.e. I am trying to stay with a pure React based implementation.


Ask and you shall receive:

Includes documentation, routing, and tests as a bonus.

1 Like

Excellent. Looks Promising. Is this MIT license ?


Thanx a lot for this reference. I played with it yesterday and like the quality of the code.
