Looking for some direction on how to use meteor-promises

We’re adding an uploaded image to Cloudinary, but it takes a few seconds to happen. I have never used promises before and am curious if someone can help me understand how to refactor this code to work with promises, or if promises are even what I need to help stabilize this section of the code.

It’s currently uploading the file, creating an “Images” record for the file, then attaching the _id of the image to a field in the communities table.

Cloudinary.upload(files, {}, (error, response) => {
  if (error) {
    Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
  } else {
    Meteor.call( 'newImage', response, ( error, response) => {
      if (error) {
        Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
      } else {
        let community = component.buildCommunity(response);
        Meteor.call( 'updateCommunity', community, ( error, response ) => {
          if ( error ) {
            Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
          } else {
            Bert.alert( 'Community updated', 'success' );

I have been looking at http://deanius-promise.meteor.com/#call-promise and I think it might help to use promises here, but just don’t have any experience with them. Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a couple links to other topics/threads that touch on the issue of async completions:

async/wait - coming in Meteor 1.3 - seems to address async operations using ES7-compatible (mostly) features. See, especially, Knotix’s original posting and response at: Start using async/await instead of promises and callbacks

A summary of other topics about promises: Which is the best promise package right now?

Good luck!