What’s the state of the art for producing desktop apps with Meteor?
I tried creating a fresh install of Meteor’s “todo” app, and packaging it as a .app using the “meteor-electrify” package. However, the app doesn’t run once packaged using electrify package
I figure if I can’t get a fresh install of Meteor’s “todos” to work with that npm package, then it’s not the current best way to make an electron app using Meteor.
Sidenote: I know Cordova now includes electron. Does this mean Meteor apps can produce electron apps that way? (this is not a requirement, we have no problem using an external packager, so long as it can work. Or if we can be pointed to the right direction, we may build our own packager, but as of now we’re having a hard time making this work)
Is there something other than Electron that can enable us to create a macos app using meteor that can be distributed to the App Store?