Making a reactive ngInfiniteScroll

Hi there,

I’m using netanelgilad:ng-infinite-scroll for a project and is working as expected except for the reactivity.

Has anyone managed to make a controller to implement this in a reactive way?

To give you an idea, this controller has a part with:

$scope.reset = function () { $scope.items = []; $ = 0; $scope.isLoadingItems = false; };

and the load more method:

` $scope.addMoreItems = function () {

if ($scope.isLoadingItems) return;

$scope.isLoadingItems = true;

const bunch = Items.find({}, {
  limit: Meteor.settings.public.perPage
  , skip: (($ - 1) * Meteor.settings.public.perPage)

bunch.forEach( function (each) {
  if( !_($scope.items).find(function (maybeAdded){ return each._id === maybeAdded._id })) {
    // Add if absent

$scope.isLoadingItems = false;
$ += 1;


the reactivity is lost because $scope.items is just an array. Do you know if would it help if I make it anything else? would a meteor collection be overkill or help?