Managing network interfaces for second node process in meteor stack

I would like to start a Meteor application in an infrastructure that have security restrictions applied to network interfaces.

Process must start binding to specific network interfaces, it’s not possible to bind as - example : TCP *:26758

When Meteor stack is online and running, two node processes can be found. The second process is triggered when connection to Mongo is successfully established:

$ ps -ef |grep -E "node|mongo" |grep -v grep

meteor   13128  5668  9 14:52 pts/0    00:00:07 /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. --port

meteor   13149 13128  3 14:52 pts/0    00:00:02 /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. --bind_ip --smallfiles --port 8081 --dbpath /home/meteor/apps/z1j-prod/.meteor/local/db --oplogSize 8 --replSet meteor

meteor   13205 13128  1 14:52 pts/0    00:00:01 /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. /home/meteor/apps/z1j-prod/.meteor/local/build/main.js

I’m able to force interface bind for the first node process (pid 13128), but the second node process (pid 13205) starts listening in all interfaces:

lsof |grep meteor |grep LISTEN  |grep node
node      13128               meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
SignalSen 13128 13141         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13128 13143         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13128 13144         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13128 13145         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13128 13146         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13128 13206         meteor   13u     IPv4             244552       0t0        TCP (LISTEN)
node      13205               meteor   11u     IPv4             244597       0t0        TCP localhost:36099 (LISTEN)
node      13205               meteor   25u     IPv4             244618       0t0        TCP *:26758 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13209         meteor   11u     IPv4             244597       0t0        TCP localhost:36099 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13209         meteor   25u     IPv4             244618       0t0        TCP *:26758 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13210         meteor   11u     IPv4             244597       0t0        TCP localhost:36099 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13210         meteor   25u     IPv4             244618       0t0        TCP *:26758 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13211         meteor   11u     IPv4             244597       0t0        TCP localhost:36099 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13211         meteor   25u     IPv4             244618       0t0        TCP *:26758 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13212         meteor   11u     IPv4             244597       0t0        TCP localhost:36099 (LISTEN)
node      13205 13212         meteor   25u     IPv4             244618       0t0        TCP *:26758 (LISTEN)

I start meteor with the following command: meteor --port

This behavior it’s the same using meteor’s mongo instance or if using an external mongo instance
(export MONGO_URL=mongodb://

I’m using Meteor

Is possible to force interface binding for the second node process ??
