Mantra 0.2.0 with Modules support and more


After a month long work, Today I’m happy to announce Mantra 0.2.0. It comes with modular architecture and we’ve add some many improvements specially to the testing area. Thank you all for the feedback and contributions.

In the future, you will be able to distribute these modules via NPM. That’ll be the something awesome.

If you are not aware of Mantra, it’s an application architecture for Meteor.

Here’s some links for you to get more information about this new update.


Absolutely fantastic work.
I have been away from using Meteor in production for about 12 months and coming from Sails and Aurelia mostly. I am so glad to be back and this framework has re-energized my excitement for Meteor.

Love the modules system BTW, great for structuring apps big and small (once you get your head around it :wink: )