"Match error: Expected particular constructor", path: ""

When click “delete” from ViewCustomer.js as below code, I get the following error:
"Match error: Expected particular constructor", path: ""

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { ButtonToolbar, ButtonGroup, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { createContainer } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Customers } from '../../api/customers';
import NotFound from './NotFound';

const handleRemove = (customerId, history) => {
	if (confirm('Are you sure? This is permanent!')) {
		Meteor.call('customers.remove', customerId, (error) => {
			if (error) {
			} else {

const renderCustomer = (cust, match, history) => (cust ? (
	<div className="ViewCustomer">
		<div className="page-header clearfix">
			<h4 className="pull-left">{ cust && cust.firstname }</h4>
			<ButtonToolbar className="pull-right">
				<ButtonGroup bsSize="small">
					<Button onClick={() => history.push(`${match.url}/edit`)}>Edit</Button>
					<Button onClick={() => handleRemove(cust._id, history)} className="text-danger">Delete</Button>
		{ cust && cust.firstname }
) : <NotFound />);

const ViewCustomer = ({ cust, match, history }) => (
	renderCustomer(cust, match, history)

ViewCustomer.propTypes = {
	cust: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
	match: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
	history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default createContainer(({ match }) => {
	const customerId = match.params._id;
	const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('customers.view', customerId);
	return {
		cust: Customers.findOne(customerId) || {},
}, ViewCustomer);

and api/customers.js

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';

export const Customers = new Mongo.Collection('customers');

	'customers.insert': function customersInsert(cust) {
		check(cust, {
			custId: String,
			firstname: String,
			lastname: String,
			phoneno: String,
			email: String,
			address: String,
			remark: String,
		try {
			return Customers.insert({ owner: this.userId, ...cust });
		} catch (exception) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('500', exception);
	'customers.update': function customersUpdate(cust) {
		check(cust, {
			_id: String,
			custId: String,
			firstname: String,
			lastname: String,
			phoneno: String,
			email: String,
			address: String,
			remark: String,
		try {
			const customerId = cust._id;
			Customers.update(customerId, { $set: cust });
			return customerId;
		} catch (exception) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('500', exception);
	'customers.remove': function customerRemove(customerId) {
		check(customerId, Mongo.ObjectID);
		try {
			return Customers.remove(customerId);
		} catch (exception) {
			throw new Meteor.Error('500', exception);

Please help me to solve this problem.

Solved !!!

I get it now, from "api/customer.js"
If I insert the data to Mongo by Meteor Mongo - I have to use "check(customerId, Mongo.ObjectID);"
But if I insert from Meteor - I can use "check(customerId, String);"

It’s so great !!!