Materialize datepicker, using external js file

Hey people out there !

I’m quit new to the meteor and still struggling
I need help in refactoring my code i written so far, if someone has the time.

next weird point for me i use the materialize:materialize package and want to add a datepicker to my form, but the initialization:

$(function() {
           close: 'submit',
           onStart: function() {
              var date = new Date()
              this.set('select', [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()]);

only works as inline<script> inside my template, but i want to have an external index.js file that imports the template file, but it’s not working. the datepicker disappear when i refresh the page.

next point at the moment i’ve code duplications 'cause i don’t know how to access a helper function on different templates:

// add-food.js
import dateFormat from 'dateformat'
import './add-food.html'

    let time = new Date()
    let currentTime = dateFormat(time, 'h:MM TT')
    return currentTime
// add-symptoms.js
import dateFormat from 'dateformat'
import './add-symptoms.html'

    let time = new Date()
    let currentTime = dateFormat(time, 'h:MM TT')
    return currentTime
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'
//import dateFormat from 'dateformat'
import './layout.js'
import './pages/add-food.js'
import './pages/add-symptoms.js'

$(function() {

    let time = new Date()
    let currentTime = dateFormat(time, 'h:MM TT')
    return currentTime

I tried using the Template.body. but it’s not working. How do I sum up the code?