I’m hosting a quick meetup tomorrow March 25th for people to hang out and talk about stuff, given the recent event I’m sure many people would like to get things off their chests
or just meet with other Meteor fans:
Next @alimgafar is hosting a Meteor NYC meetup:
We might have another DACH meetup later in April (@jkuester ). Check back later for updates!
We have a point system game running on the meetups page, I have completely forgotten about it, but this funny thing was brought to my attention:
The dominion of Jan’s is unchallenged. 
I think I will have to prepare a price for the winners of this game. Deadline Meteor Impact after which we’ll reset points. That is if anyone can unseat us. 
I will be hosting Meteor hangouts at least monthly, so that there are plenty of opportunities to gain points and because it is fun.
A few new events from me:
Today, Saturday 2nd April, I’m hosting a stream about building a Web3 login package:
On April 9th I’m hosting an offtopic meetup about my travels in Japan:
On April 28th @fredmaiaarantes is hosting a Brazilian meetup in Portuguese:
On April 30th I’m hosting a community hangout:
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