I am feeling a little bit confused since Meteor 1.3 was released. Specifically, I don’t understand how I’m supposed to move my Blaze templates and CSS files into /imports. I’ve looked at the todos example app and find it unhelpful for a few reasons. First, it’s using Kadira’s Flow Router package, which I am not. Second, it’s using Less, which provides an import syntax. And third, there isn’t a element defined in any of the template code.
I have an existing project I’m trying to migrate toward the new app structure, but I’m not using a client-side router, and I’m not using a CSS preprocessor. So my question is, does that mean I have to leave all of my Blaze templates and CSS files in /client? Is there any way to lazy load them? Or do I need to start using a router and CSS preprocessor if I want to take full advantage of the new app structure?
Thanks for any help you can offer!
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For example you have a small part of your app in example.html, example.js and example.css What you could do is to move all that files to imports folder and then in the client/main.js do something like:
import '{}/imports/example.js';
then in your example.js file you can do something like:
import { Template } from meteor/templating;
import './example.css';
import './example.html';
// here are your Template.example.helpers(..) etc.
This is of course just a fragment, an example. I think you can see how it is connected now.
I have migrated my app too. Here is the code: https://github.com/juliancwirko/s-chat-app (just another example of such structure).
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Okay, so basically it looks like I can just import CSS/HTML files from JS code. For example, this works as expected:
import '../imports/main.css';
import '../imports/main.html';
h1 {
color: red;
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
So that clears up a lot of confusion for me. But I’m still confused about why we’re able to import non-JS code using ES6 import statements. Is this standard usage or is Meteor doing some magic to make this work?
Thanks again!
I gues there is a lot of magic to achieve this But hey, Webpack has it’s loaders too, you can also import styles and other files like html in your js files. So we probably can say that this is a standard now