Meteor 1.3 deploy Error with MUP

I found some useful info on Github and when I was attempting my own upload with mup. It looks like the bcrypt package needs updating to 0.8.5 for it to work. Not sure if this is due to the update to node 0.10.43.

Saying that though, no idea how to update the bcrypt version…

Worked for me:

  1. Connect to your server and cd to your app: cd /opt/your-app/
  2. delete bcrypt rm -rf ./app/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt
  3. install bcrypt npm install -g bcrypt
  4. copy it into your app: cp -r /usr/lib/node_modules/bcrypt ./app/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/

This is annoying if you’re running multiple instances, but thanks!

But what about re-deploying? Won’t that overwrite bcrypt? If so, how do you go about starting your app once you’ve corrected the bcrypt issue?

I had that same issue. It didn’t work for me. I presume because of the overwriting.

It is just a workaround because I needed my app to run again.

How did you get it to work?

If you deploy with MUP, it will rebuild everything including bcrypt, show the bcrypt error, and revert back to the old app.

I added --architecture os.linux.x86_64 to mup, Please try my fork:

On Windows:

  1. npm remove -g mup
  2. make sure mup is removed
  3. git clone
  4. start cmd as Administrator
  5. cd meteor-up
  6. npm install
  7. npm link

I tried this out in OSX, not working for me.

I had the same problem/error,

I switched to mupx, and followed the migration guide :

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I also solved it with mupx.

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Just tried mupx on a new Digital Ocean droplet; didn’t work for me :confused:

Can’t use mupx because docker isn’t working on my clients server.

Try to use my mup fork:

I also had this issue and this version works fine for me. It also updates mup to install Mongo 3.2 on the server during mup setup so you can use more Mongo features.

I had some issues with PhantomJS installation (bitbucket server returning 403) so I just disabled installing PhantomJS in mup.json.


Meteor 1.3.2-rc.5 fixed everything for me. I can deploy with mupx fine now. For good measure I deleted node_modules and .meteor/local before deploying again.

@marc2 's solution worked wonderfully! Thank you!

I found/fixed this a month ago and shared the resolution on github which involved tweaking mup to force --architecture os.linux.x86_64" – Wish I’d have seen this thread earlier to contribute.

I’m in the camp that still needs/prefers to use regular mup for deployment - glad to see I’m not alone :slight_smile:


I fixed this issue upgrading npm on the serve to npm install -g npm@2-latest still no luck with 1.3 on mup though.

M4v3R Fork:

Worked like a charm for me - Thanx!

The output of this a tar, and we can uncompress, which gives us a bundle. We can’t point MUP to that bundle or tar, MUP will error out that we’re not in a Meteor project directory.

So how do we point MUP to the properly built Meteor build?

What lines of code within MUP@0.11.3 will fix this?