You are attempting to run Meteor as the “root” user. If you are developing,
this is almost certainly not what you want to do and will likely result in
incorrect file permissions. However, if you are running this in a build process
(CI, etc.) or you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing, add the --unsafe-perm flag to this command to proceed.
sudo meteor from user,
and any experiments with flags have not given result,
are you confirm it?
$ sudo meteor --unsafe-perm update --patch
’/home/orloff/.meteor’ exists, but ‘/home/orloff/.meteor/meteor’ is not executable.
Remove it and try again.
Yes - but if you’ve previously installed Meteor as root it may be worth taking a little time to remove the old Meteor. That’s normally rm -rf ~/.meteor and re-install not-as-root, but if you’ve also been running it as root, you’ll also need to change ownership of all your project files.