Meteor 3.0 is Featured on Javascript Weekly

The release of Meteor 3.0 is featured on the latest Javascript Weekly.


Just a small mention. We need to work harder to get make it a bigger feature next time.


:open_mouth: But this one alone took over about three years of endless work. Do we need to work harder than this? :smile:


I seem to remember there is a new Developer Relations team member. Is that correct? If so, possibly that person could build contacts with relevant podcasters/bloggers/newsletters.

Just a thought.

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Oh yeah! We’re already working on this :slight_smile: We have a list of relevant publications we can be at and will get in touch with them soon to talk about what we’ve been working on.


@stolinski, any advice, referrals for @gabsferreira by any chance?


We can share on
our Daily Dev but I odn’t have a ton of referrals outside of ourselves.


It’s great to hear that. Thanks, Scott!

Hey @stolinski ! So cool to see you here. Any extra promotion is great.

@jkuester @storyteller and I are doing a YT podcast every week called “Meteor Dispatches: This Week in MeteorJS” where we cover MeteorJS and related tech stories.

Not so smooth as you but we’re trying. Would love to get some suggestions on what we could do tactically to grow our audience and reach.

@stolinski much appreciated!
Any plans to do a segment beyond snackpack? I think you can get someone from Meteor Software easily to come on the show or if you want someone from the community, Meteor Dispatches crew is at your disposal.

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We’d love to join @stolinski’s podcast! Already sent him a message.

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