Meteor Acceptance Tests, Database Snapshots take to long to load

I am using a dbSnapshot manager to save and load snapshots from/into the database/mongodb.
Since I am making the snapshots over the client the server and client use different connections to the database.
The problem is that I don’t know a way to wait until the publications or the mergebox are ready/updated or if there is a way to trigger a reload of them.
Since I am using puppeteer+cucumber+jest I need a way to wait until the data is ready.


I am registering a user then I take a snapshot of the database. In another scenario, I load the snapshot into the database but at the moment the user would log in the data is not ready and the login fails.

I save the snapshot with:

async storeSnapshot(fixtureFileName) {
    const fullFixturePath = getFullSnapshotPath(fixtureFileName)
    // todo need to transfer dbSnapshotManager to server side because of
    // todo race condition: server mongo call and puppeteer mongo call
    await this.delay(4000)

    const connection = await MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:3101/meteor", {native_parser: true})
    const db = await connection.db('meteor')

    const collections = await db.listCollections().toArray()
    const collectionsData = await Promise.all( (collectionObj) => {
        const collection = await db.collection(
        const data = await collection.find().toArray()
        return {name:, data: data}

    await fs.writeFileSync(fullFixturePath, ejson.stringify(collectionsData, null, 2))

    //await db.close()
    await connection.close(false, () => {

And I load the snapshot with:

async restoreSnapshot(fixtureFileName, data) {
    if (!data && !fixtureFileName) {
        throw new Error("Error, no fixture file name or data given to restore DB snapshot")

    const fullFixturePath = getFullSnapshotPath(fixtureFileName)
    const connection = await MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:3101/meteor", {native_parser: true})
    const db = await connection.db('meteor')
    data = data ? data : await fs.readFileSync(fullFixturePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'})

    const collectionsData = await ejson.parse(data)

    // delete all collections
    await Promise.all( (fixtureDataObj) => {
        const name =
        const collection = await db.collection(name)
        await collection.remove()

    await Promise.all( (fixtureDataObj) => {
        const name =
        const data =

        // skip empty tables, because that's an error
        if (!_.isArray(data) || !data.length) {

        const collection = await db.collection(name)
        await collection.insertMany(data)