"meteor add meteor-candy-config meteorcandy:core" => error: no such package

when I run the function as instructed I get “no such package” error

When I look on atmosphere, there’s only meteorcandy:light (https://atmospherejs.com/?q=meteorcandy and https://atmospherejs.com/?q=candy)

That command looks strange. The config looks like npm package, but that one does not exist, I think the meteor-candy-config shouldn’t be in the command at all. And since @sdarnell showed that neither is not on Atmosphere I guess that it should be a local package as well. Just run:

meteor add meteorcandy:core


Meteor Candy 2 is almost here - I deployed the site but the developer edition package will only go up on Atmosphere on the weekend. I will send everyone an email and update here once its ready. Apologies for the trouble.

OK folks, the demo package is deployed and working :smiley:

If you haven’t yet, get the Developer Edition here: