Meteor + Adsense approval - SSR?

I’m trying to get my site - - approved for Adsense but having loads of issues. I also noticed on Google search results rather than my meta info showing it just said “Router.route(‘/’) …”

So i got rid of my old ssr package (GitHub - meteorhacks/meteor-ssr: Server Side Rendering for Meteor) in favour of mdg:seo. This fixed my google search issue. However, on the Adsense previewer it still shows an Iron Router error screen, very weirdly it says “Items.find()” and I dont have a collection called items / that code just isn’t in my codebase.

What i tried

  • Added route domain DNS so site loads without www.
  • Ditched meteor-ssr for mdg:seo
  • Overhauled design of landing page + has UGC on landing page etc

I’ve resubmitted to adsense a bunch of times, thinking it was a design issue, but my hunch is that it was actually bc whatever internal tool used to approve was showing some Iron Router error screen so it looked like my site was broken.

It’s super weird that mdg:seo has sorted my search issue but Adsense is still playing up.

Really want to get this fixed once and for all - has anyone had similar issues or know of a fix? Would love to know.

Thanks & long live meteor.

EDIT: idea / question

would a more robust SSR render solve this nightmare? e.g. GitHub - meteorhacks/meteor-ssr: Server Side Rendering for Meteor

context - in the middle of rewriting app front-end to get away from Blaze and use React, so i dont wanna complicate things. Ideally i just want ‘/’ to work so i can get some ads up and pay my server bill.

Is there a way to serve SSR page just for ‘/’ JUST for google adsense bot?

Thanks again.

I use this service to solve the problem:

Essentially it just caches fully loaded pages for us and then googlebot can ping those directly, doesn’t really require much work after the initial setup.