Meteor and SAML

Every few years someone is faced with the task of integrating a Meteor application into an environment where the user logins are handled using SAML, see for example SAML in Meteor in 2022

Last year I was faced with this task. The result is the Meteor package qnipp:meteor-accounts-saml.

There is a demo application at (Thanks to Meteor for providing this free opportunity again).

The source code for the application and the package can be found at GitHub - qnipp/meteor-saml-demo: SAML integration for Meteor.

The package has now been in productive use for several months. I have not heard any complaints from customers.

All the best with it!


While working with the package, I noticed that the name containing meteor is somewhat redundant.

import { something } from 'meteor/qnipp:meteor-accounts-saml'; 

So I renamed the package to qnipp:accounts-saml. Unfortunately, there’s no way to remove the old package from Atmosphere.


Awesome! I might have a need for this soon and I think this deserves much more attention.

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Hi Jan,

Having recently started my PhD, I see a lot of SAML integrations in universities and online libraries for academic journals, so it may be more widespread than first thought. Perhaps it would also be interesting for Meteor as an application platform to offer such an integration more officially.

Another thing I’m currently working on is integrating a Meteor application into the Moodle learning management system via LTI. I’ve used GitHub - dmolin/meteor-lti-template: Basic template for integrating Meteor with an LMS via LTIJS as a base and contributed 2 PRs to make it work.

There are many ways to integrate Meteor into existing environments. I like that.