Meteor-angular Unsure about data-binding

So, should I ask why Angular in the first place?

It’s for a job. The guy hiring wanted me to build a meteorJS app with Angular front-end. I believe it’s because of the convenience and speed of the 3-way databinding, but he never specified WHY he wanted this combo. I think it’s mostly because he wants to see if I can dedicate myself to solving problems and learning new frameworks/libraries and not quitting. But I still need to get it DONE, and this is basically the last problem I’m having with this application.

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I suspect there is a clue I’m missing in these lines:

class PortfolioCtrl {
    constructor($scope) {

because it seems the {{ netWorth }} in the html is just null, it’s not defined as anything. so the netWorth I’m playing around with isn’t making it’s way back to that, which leads me to believe that it’s in someway outside the scope of where I need it to be…

And I also think that’s why when I call console.log(netWorth) I get two items showing up in the console, one which is the actual value of netWorth that I need and the other is “undefined” I believe the undefined netWorth is one being called by the interpolation and it’s not getting data from anywhere