Meteor-API snippet configuration

Hello guys, I am currently using Atom text editor. I installed the Meteor-API package. However, now I want to edit the snippet of the package because the
snippet for “Session.get” which is “get” is already used by the other package. I opened the Meteor-API, went to this file, “meteor-api-snippets-coffeescript.cson”, and I found this line:

‘prefix’: ‘get’
‘body’: ‘Session.get “${1:variableName}”\n$2’

Then, I changed the line:
‘prefix’: ‘get’ to ‘prefix’: ‘getm’

Finally, I saved the file, and restarted Atom. However, when I typed getm, it didn’t show me anything. I don’t know if I did sth wrong. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Have a nice day.