Meteor + Apollo Tutorials & Other Useful Resources

June is going to be the month I start migrating over to Apollo. Apollo 1.0 is almost ready and so is Meteor 1.5. To me, it seems like the perfect time to make the switch. Or, at least it would be if it weren’t for the fact there is currently very little information on how to make that switch. Nevertheless, I’ve managed to piece together some tutorials and examples on Meteor + Apollo integration.

If you have an addition, please post it as a reply.





Very helpful! Thanks

Very interesting and useful. Can moderators make this a sticky item, until newbies like me can get some practice?


Adding a few things from our camp:

An Introduction to the Apollo Stack for the Uninitiated
Getting Started with Apollo
Hack Notes: GraphQL and Apollo
Talk @ React Chicago: Getting Started with Apollo, React, and Meteor

Ah yes, how could I forget An Introduction to the Apollo Stack for the Uninitiated; literally the first thing I read on the subject.

For GraphQL subscription examples from a meteor server take a look at:

  1. simple count
  2. publishing from the oplog

Thank you Anthony, but the libraries used are pretty outdated, it is no longer useful now.

We are also in middle of migrating our stack to GraphQL. I stumble on a resource not listed here that I found useful

Even though I’m not using it myself because we’ve come a long way already with the backend, I find this tool and article useful and would use it in my next project.