Meteor app hosting

Hi there,

I’m developing an app with Meteor for the Android’s Market (in a future will be for iOS as well).
If you are not familiarised with Meteor, this is a full stack framework with NodeJS and MongoDB. Also, I’m using AngularJS on the front end.

Is the first time that I’m working with a full stack app for Android’s Market (my other ones are just front end apps, no back end at all) and the first time as well working with Meteor. I use Cordova/Phonegap for this.
Right now the app is only for mobile but in a nearly future I’d like to have a website version too.

  • What steps would I have to follow to do this, having the app in the Market and having control over MongoDB collections?
  • Which one would be the best hosting (I’ve been looking Galaxy, IBM Bluemix, Heroku…)? I’d prefer something cheep or free (with its limitations obviously) to try first.

Further info:

  • Social network related with food
  • It could have million of users
  • Angular, Cordova, Grunt, camera stuffs, CDN, etc.

Thanks in advance,

This link is really helpful:

Galaxy is really cheap to try since we bill per-millisecond. So you can try it for $1 if you just run your container for a few hours.

If you have not registered for AWS, you can use it for hosting your app free for a year. And if it scales up probably think about other solutions.

My intention is start with a free plan to do a few test and still working with the app and then move to a good hosting and increment even more the plan in a future if I need it.
Galaxy doesn’t have free plan to start with it.

Ok, I found Modulus, so far is the best solution