I want to setup a mike function in mobile app, but the program code is not work. The code is “var audioContext = new AudioContext();”, but it has error and no run any other code after it.
When I try other type of this function, I also get a same result.
var audioContext = new webkitAudioContext(); //Not work
var audioContext = new mozAudioContext(); //Not work
var audioContext = new oAudioContext(); //Not work
var audioContext = new msAudioContext(); //Not work
May I know how to setup recorder function of meteor mobile app, I want to use the function in mobile app, not mobile browser. Please tell me a correct method to setup a mike function. Thank you very much.
Same issue on windows. I use Meteor and Chrome and Firefox. In the Console I have this error: playground.js?hash=d4cf45c097901d108c4fc6b87befc32f7078ba26:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: webkitAudioContext is not defined
at playground.js?hash=d4cf45c097901d108c4fc6b87befc32f7078ba26:3
at playground.js?hash=d4cf45c097901d108c4fc6b87befc32f7078ba26:59
(anonymous) @ playground.js?hash=d4cf45c097901d108c4fc6b87befc32f7078ba26:3
(anonymous) @ playground.js?hash=d4cf45c097901d108c4fc6b87befc32f7078ba26:59
Solved with set my variable differently :
try {
acontext = new webkitAudioContext();
} catch (e){
if (e instanceof ReferenceError) {
acontext = new AudioContext;
} // catch
instead of :
var acontext = new webkitAudioContext() || new AudioContext;