Meteor app working too slow over amazon ec2 server and CPU usage reaching to 100%

Meteor app working too slow over amazon ec2 server and CPU usage reaching to 100%. Subscriptions loads too slow and frustrating.

Any help?

  1. How do you subscribe?
  2. What are your subscriptions doing?
  3. How many clients are connecting simultaneously?
  4. How many requests per second do you get from your clients?

Install Kadira APM to see what’s happening behind the scenes (it will help you answer @rjakobsson’s great questions).

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subscription are fetching data to client with thousands of records. For now there are `50-70 clients connecting simultaneously.I am using meteor version.

I believe that @hwillson’s recommendation - to install Kadira, is the quickest way you’ll determine what’s causing the CPU to spike.

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Thanks Robin Jakobsson . I will take a look into Kadira