Meteor application to run locally


I realized a web application with meteor with Mongo bd, deployed on the platform heroku.
I need this application to run locally (so without internet connection) on OSX,
Android, IOS and even window with a database Mongo db Local.
Is this possible or will I have to rewrite a second application in a ‘classical’ language.
Thank you for your answers.

I’m considering this thought too.

I want people playing my game to be able to self host.

So, on Desktop, you’ll need to download my app. That app will come with an installer. So that’s easy enough to write some scripts to install mongo, or meteor, and run in production mode. Desktop is easy.

But mobile devices are a bit harder.

Wait a second, when building, you can just point to 127.0.01… Which should create it’s own package and database…

I suppose the question is how you let other people connect to that as a server.

If you want an offline first application, I’m not sure. If you want your app to function as fully as reasonably possible when there is no internet, then that is achievable.

For static files check out appcache
For the database check out ground:db

Also Electron is worth a mention if you want to get away from needing to be launched in a browser. I recall seeing someone who even made a backend and frontend electron build for meteor that appeared to be “all in one”