Meteor as AJAX application (not reactive)

We have tried with {reactive:false}, but we still see polling queries every 10 secs on MongoDB.

Hmm, you may want to look into ways of accessing mongodb directly rather than a meteor collection.

There should be some packages on atmosphere that let you bypass meteor and access the native mongo driver for your own static queries.

Also, I think meteor also exposes that with an api named something like mongoInternals that Iā€™m not experienced with but worth looking into.

I use both the official MongoDB driver and Mongoose for some of my other projects. I recommend either one.

Well how about that ā€¦

A version of just got released.

Might be relevant to this conversation.

@Sparser - Can you please give some pointers how to fetch result sets manually to client and prevent reactivity ?

If you really want to continue to use collections you could use a server method to get the data out of the DB, then insert the results into a client only collection (initialized with null instead of the name of the collection).

var MyCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null);'getData', function (docs) {
    _.each(docs, function (x) {

The point of reactive:false is to stop the any template or autorun that uses that cursor from re-running when the cursor changes, on the client. This wonā€™t stop Meteor from polling the database for changes. If you call a subscription your database will be polled(or the oplog observed).

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You have two alternatives there:

a) Donā€™t use the built in accounts system
b) Fork the accounts packages, change their queries and publications so that they are not reactive

But (b) will require you to change a lot of things since the whole accounts system is built around the idea of reactivity.

Therefore, I think youā€™ll be better of doing (a) and writing your own non-reactive accounts system.

Iā€™ve reached this interesting conversation, and I want to ask for your opinion in a very similar situation as @sambapotla:

  • I donā€™t need reactivity (at least right now, maybe in middle-term future for notifications, but letā€™s assume I donā€™t need it at all). Actually, letā€™s say I donā€™t want reactivity.
  • Why using Meteor then? Because I have a veeery tight time constraint, Iā€™ve been the last 2 years mainly a Frontend developer (though I have some Java backend knowledge from years ago), and Meteor seems to me a super fast way of building a website with my, letā€™s say, limited knowledge.
  • So for ā€œavoidingā€ reactivity, I am basically doing Method calls, because as I understand it, methods are not reactive (am I right?).

This makes any sense?

Also @Sparser, you commented that making methods is a ton of work. If I didnā€™t care about reactivity, I would make use of publish and suscriptions, right? So I think: to do saves/updates checking authentication would be need to make Allow/Deny rulesā€¦ (am I right?), meaning that the work will be more or less the same.

Sorry if I say too much wrong sentences, I am just trying to make 100% sense of Meteor in my head, but I think I am missing pieces in a bunch of places.


Yes @eviljohn, I am same boat as you for all three points mentioned by you. My app doesnā€™t need reactivity other than a screen, and we have very few developers to build the app.

I am not sure of addiotional effort required for methods approach -

Server side, finding data from database - same effort, query in method vs publish block of code

Additional effort on client, method success call puting data into a ReactiveVAR or something to make it accessable for template helpers. Whereas, subscription puts data in minimango, and helpers would read from minimongo.