Meteor autoform - create custom template for nested schema

In this minimal example I have two schemas, one for a Person and another called “Groups” that defines a collection. Using autoform, I want to apply a custom template to any occurrence of PersonSchema, regardless of the parent schema.

SimpleSchema.PersonSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  firstName: {
    type: String,
    optional: false,
    label: "First Name"
  lastName: {
    type: String,
    optional: false,
    label: "Last Name"

Groups = new Mongo.Collection('groups');

Groups.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
	name: {
		type: String,
		optional: false,
		label: "Group Name"
	people: {
		type: [SimpleSchema.PersonSchema],
		minCount: 1

I understand that I can attach a template to the autoform via the template attribute as well as some additional classes like so:

{{> quickForm id="addGroupForm" collection="Groups" type="insert" template="bootstrap3-horizontal" label-class="col-sm-3" input-col-class="col-sm-9"}}

How can I create a template for just the “Person” section of the form?