Meteor Cordova - Google OAuth (Android) - Error 400 The operation couldn’t be completed

I’m building a Meteor Cordova app which requires Google OAuth2 login. Now it’s working on the web app and the iOS app but not on Android. In details:

  • web: I created a web credentials, get clientId, clientSecret, save them to ServiceConfigurations, then use the accounts-google package for logging users in

  • iOS: I generated a REVERSE_CLIENT_ID and put it into the mobile-config.js file like this:

App.configurePlugin('cordova-plugin-googleplus', { REVERSED_CLIENT_ID: '', });
And it’s working.

  • android: I don’t know what to do now for Android. When I tried to login using the app, I made it to the account popup screen, then after entering my Google email and password, I got this error: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 400.)
    Any helps are appreciated, thanks !