Meteor crashes with mp3

i was trying to find the easiest way to include an mp3 file.

i am using:

<audio controls>
        <source src="easy.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
        Your browser does not support the audio element.

i put “easy.mp3” into the public folder. -> it works on the local server.
but now every 5 minutes meteor crashes and i have to run “meteor run”.
the server console throws a long error log starting with …

“ERROR: eperm, unlink 'c:\users…local\build\programs\web.browser\app\easy.mp3
at object.future.wait (C:\users\appdata …”

is this normal?

whats the easiest way for a sound-player?

thanks in advance!

If you want to serve files, use nginx or cloud.
And you probably need to address it as “/easy.mp3” at least that was the way how any public file work for me.

I use the buzz package to play mp3 files without any problems:
