Meteor DevTools Evolved v1.1

I would like to #announce that Chrome approved Meteor DevTools Evolved v1.1 today, so the updates are already being rolled out.

Everything indicates that I was able to fix an issue which prevented the extension from initializing for some users. Otherwise, please let me know.

Also, now we can replay method calls which have been bookmarked, or not – requested by @renanccastro . :rocket:

Thank you for everyone who provided feedback and reported the issues along with vital information.

The extension also reached the very important and a little unexpected milestone of about 500 users. :flight_departure: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :boom:

Down below is the link for the always up-to-date change log document along with its latest changes.

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The dates refer to when it was made available in the Chrome platform.

[1.1] - 2020-04-02

I had to take a small hiatus from development after the initial release, but now I am back with a few quality of life changes and additions. Also, I am attempting to fix an issue where some installations do not initialize and thus don’t log the DDP messages, which also happens to be at least a quality of life change. Hope it works, as I could not reproduce the issue, but I added a bunch of logs just in case, I promise.


  • Issue #1 Added ability to replay methods either from the logs or bookmarks.
  • Added document count to collection navigator.
  • Added Minimongo active collection clear button.
  • Added GitHub buttons to make receiving feedback easier.
  • Added long timestamp format on hover for logs which is useful for bookmarks.
  • Added setting persistence, which means the filters will persist between sessions.
  • Added about page with some basics and license information.


  • Adjusted the layout, so it is responsive to screens with less horizontal real-estate.
  • Collection tags are now clickable.


  • Issue #2 The extension now initializes from the content script, which means that we don’t need the devtools panel open for initialization – but we do need it for DDP logging.

[1.0] - 2020-03-05

Initial release.


  • Added DDP logging.
  • Added DDP bookmarking.
  • Added Minimongo browsing.
  • Added search and pagination.
  • Added a bunch of stuff really.

Amazing work! Thanks! :heart:


Is there a guide for this? I’m new to it, admittedly, but all I see is some ping pong and John Travolta.

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Hello @kevinashworth the ping pong is Meteor’s connection heartbeat, very common in WebSocket connections. For you to see different logs you need to use Meteor methods, subscriptions and collections for example.

It is very early in it’s development, for the moment there is no guide for the extension itself, but I intend on making one in the future as time allows it.

Great work - this is really nice.

Sorry, but how to install it? I had install the extension, but the Meteor tab didn’t appear.

After installing it it should appear fine, after restarting Chrome it still doesn’t appear @afrokick?

@leonardoventurini Thanks, after restarting it works.