Meteor doesn't start after upgrading to 1.2 - it breaks on 'missing react versions' but react IS included

After upgrading to Meteor 1.2, meteor wouldn’t start - It would stop with the following output rebuilding npm-container (react 0.13.3 is included in packages.json and the code worked before the upgrade to Meteor 1.2; all Meteor packages have been updated to latest versions and I tried meteor reset - didn’t help)
npm-container: updating npm dependencies – react, react-bootstrap,
react-input-autosize, react-loader, react-select, react-dropdown,
react-radio, react-fontawesome, react-simple-toolbar,
=> Errors prevented startup:

While building package npm-container:
error: couldn’t run npm shrinkwrap: Command failed: npm ERR! Error:
Problems were encountered
npm ERR! Please correct and try again.
npm ERR! missing: react@>=0.13.0, required by react-overlays@0.4.4
npm ERR! missing: react@>=0.11.0 || ^0.14.0-beta3, required by
npm ERR! missing: react@>=0.9.0, required by react-clonewithprops@1.0.1

packages.json contains the following:
“react”: “0.13.3”,
“react-bootstrap”: “0.25.1”,
“react-input-autosize”: “0.5.3”,
“react-loader”: “1.4.0”,
“react-select”: “0.6.8”,
“react-dropdown”: “0.5.1”,
“react-radio”: “1.0.6”,
“react-fontawesome”: “0.3.2”,
“react-simple-toolbar”: “1.0.5”,
“react-tap-event-plugin”: “0.1.7”

Does anybody know why it is failing to find react now, when react 0.13.3 is included there?
Thank you

Maybe it’s because React was pulled into Meteor official support, and you need to use meteor add react instead?

I tried both ways to make it work - 1) having react 0.13.3 included in packages.json, not using Meteor’s react package (as mentioned above; this is the way it originally worked for me before upgrading to Meteor 1.2) and 2) removing react from packages.json and using meteor add react. I tried this second option according to instructions on the page React in Meteor here:
(including adding “externalify”: “0.1.0” in packages.json and having the …browserify.options.json file with the contents as on the page mentioned). This way building package npm-container at Meteor’s startup fails as if react was not installed at all … (it complains about react missing just once as compared to the three ‘missing react versions’ using the first option from the output in my first post)
=> Errors prevented startup:

While building package npm-container:
error: couldn’t run npm shrinkwrap: Command failed: npm ERR! Error:
Problems were encountered
npm ERR! Please correct and try again.
npm ERR! missing: react@>=0.9.0, required by react-clonewithprops@1.0.1

Building the npm-container package when using the Meteor’s react package seems not to know about React being included as a Meteor package or what version React it is (though externalify was used as described on the React in Meteor page) …