We are looking for someone who can help us identify bottlenecks and suggest solutions for how we can make our Meteor app, hosted on Galaxy (and build with React and MongoDB Atlas), run smoother and scale better.
Our team consists or full-stack devs, but we lack the insights in DevOps, Meteor and Galaxy to truly figure out why we see CPU spikes, steadily raising memory usage, unhealthy containers, as well as how where and how we can optimize our app in general to get the biggest performance gains at the lowest cost (work).
We expect that you have extensive experience with optimizing Meteor apps and hope to find someone we can have an ongoing relationship with as we grow and meet new performance challenges or questions.
Your location and timezone doesn’t matter, but we would appreciate being able to meet online within normal working hours CEST when needed.
Let me know if you have any questions or simply write me if you are interested at: mlj@resos.com