Meteor helping delivery professionals for the 2024 Olympics in Paris

Hi Everyone,

We are proud to share our recent work over the last few months. Our team at Allohouston has been building a suite of products that aim to ease logistics for the upcoming Paris Olympics at the end of July.

Our company specializes in conceiving and building tailor-made software for businesses and state agencies. We have been selected to build : a website and a suite of tools designed to streamline logistics during the Olympics.

We built two products, both using Meteor :

  • The website itself and its connected area named CirQliz where companies can register, get verified and register their vehicles. The company needs to declare when the vehicles will enter specific areas of Paris (near competition areas) and they then receive a specific QR code that make the police verification easier during controls.
  • A “Google Maps”-like tool named Itineriz. It will be the go-to resource for all traffic regulations and their dates of application. Its core feature is the ability to compute routes based on the current state of regulations. It’s still being polished and will be available very soon.

The website has yet received a lot of attention : numerous press articles in specialized website and a lot of users.

Hosting at scale is enabled thanks to Zcloud over our own infra at Ovh cloud. @filipenevola and his team have helped us a lot on this matter. Their technical support is amazing and the reactivity is incredible (especially given the time zone difference). I highly recommend working with them !

These products are not in English which might make some details harder to grasp, but this project demonstrates the full power of Meteor to build production-grade apps in just a few months.

Looking forward for the exciting weeks to come. Feel free to ask me for more info!



The app looks great! I also like the web map integration :slight_smile:

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For anyone intersted, the google-maps like tool is now live :rocket:


Congratulations on the launch! :clap:

What were the most challenging aspects of developing the app, and how can Meteor.js be improved?

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Very nice work, @victor! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Would you and members of the team be open to discussing the challenges of developing this app for a video? That would be awesome content. I’ll send you a message :slight_smile:


Here are some of the most challenging aspects for those projects :

  • the main issue was not technical, it was about knowing what regulation will be in place and collecting the data needed (as an example, the final data about the regulated areas came online early in July)
  • the routing computations running on postgresql, taking into account a lot of constrains to find the adequate route - this is not in the Meteor scope
  • the open layers integration and all the different display of information that happens when user interacts with the map
  • the double mobile / desktop views and layouts of Itineriz that have added some complexity in our React setup
  • pdf processing for Cirqliz : pdf to image conversion, OCR
  • scaling the infrastructure
  • trying to be Meteor 3 compatible (but yet the apps are not running Meteor 3)

Does the app generate any analytics? I’d be interested to understand more about why people have been moving out of the olympic village since day 1. I understand transportation/logistics is one of the main reasons. Ok 
 but that was a joke 
 I don’t expect you would generate such data :joy:

We are hoping to see Victor or someone from the AlloHouston team on the show on Wednesday!!