Meteor HTTP Call Digest Auth

I want to access a REST API (Shopware 5) which needs Digest authentication.
As I see it, the Meteor.HTTP package can only handle basic auth, right?
Any ideas on how to solve this?

Since Meteor.HTTP gives access to the headers, that should be all you need to make the initial request and the follow up response. The two-step flow isn’t built-in so you’ll have to code it yourself or find a package that does it for you.

I don’t see any on Atmosphere but I’m sure there’s plenty on npm that you could use.

If you elect to code it yourself, here’s an example of making a digest-auth request using plain javascript which may help.

Whichever way you go, consider publishing your solution as a meteor package on atmosphere. :slight_smile:

As mentionned here, I’ve successfully tested the use of request options :

 { npmRequestOptions:
            'auth': {
              'user': 'xxxx',
              'password': 'yyyy',
              'sendImmediately' : false
        }, function (error, result) {