Meteor for Google OAuth2 - Required parameter is missing: grant_type

I’m using Meteor’s built in to send an authorization code to the Google OAuth2 API to get a token back.

However I’m getting the error: Required parameter is missing: grant_type. Guessing it’s an encoding issue?'', {data: {
    code: 'XXXXXXXXXXX',
    client_id : '',
    grant_type : 'authorization_code'
}}, function(error, response ){
    if ( error ) {
        console.log( error );
    } else {
        console.log( response );

It should be'', {params: {
    code: 'XXXXXXXXXXX',
    client_id : '',
    grant_type : 'authorization_code'
}}, function(error, response ){
    if ( error ) {
        console.log( error );
    } else {
        console.log( response );

BTW, I hope you’re doing this on the server - you don’t want to expose your client secret on the browser!

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That worked! Thanks @robfallows.

I also want to note for anyone finding this that HTTP runs asynchronously if you include a callback function.

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