我在中国使用meteor install-sdk android命令安装tools工具很慢

我在中国使用meteor install-sdk android命令安装tools工具很慢,怎么解决,高手回复我一下,能不能下载后本地化安装

Hi buddy, I started to study this yesterday too. I encountered the same problem, and it was solved after I connected VPN. I use cocovpn, but you can choose whichever you like. God bless us chinese developers. Isolated from the world, we will lag behind the world forever…

my qq is 754425108, glad to discuss with u.

下载 http://pan.baidu.com/s/12NkfG
将文件放在 ~/.meteor/android_bundle/

GFW的问题。如果已经装好 Android SDK 了,可以加个环境变量: USE_GLOBAL_ADK=t

尝试了几天才搞对,自动安装 android sdk 总是错误。

1.手动下载 android sdk 如果安装过,跳过此步

2.测试执行 android 命令,确认可以启动 · Android SDK Manager

3.安装 相关资源包,必须有 API 19 和 intel X86 Atom System image

4.手动创建虚拟机 名称为 [meteor] 脚本中执行, 总是出错, 改为手动创建 avd,注意,虚拟机名称必须是 meteor.


android create avd --target 1 --name meteor --abi default/x86 --path ~/.android/avd/meteor.avd

关于 env USE_GLOBAL_ADK 设定,USE_GLOBAL_ADK 后面可以写 android sdk 的安装路径

env USE_GLOBAL_ADK={android sdk path} meteor install-sdk android

不过最主要的问题是 错误信息不对,每次都是

…throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: read ECONNRESET
at errnoException (net.js:905:11)
at Pipe.onread (net.js:559:19)


meteor 默认使用 --target 1,这里的1是target id,不是 api level,如果用它单独安装的android sdk里只有一个 预定义的target,而 USE_GLOBAL_ADK=t 时,则会出问题.


android-sdk/tools/android list target

找到有x86 abi image的,在我的机器上 id 是 25 的有。

android-sdk/tools/android create avd --target 25 --name meteor --abi default/x86 --path ~/.android/avd/meteor.avd

再运行 meteor install-sdk android 就好了

– 我折腾这个时碰到过的几个问题见 Meteor 的 Android 支持_品雪其寒-CSDN博客

安装脚本中主要检查 有没有 叫做 “meteor” 的 虚拟机,如果有就好了,不管是手工建立的还是脚本自己建的。

一定要用VPN 安装,最好买美国的VPN,稳定。
是挺慢的,我在OS X下安装exlipse和android sdk的时候,整整安装了一天。不用vpn基本进行不下去的。我用的是一个月18元的VPN。


I don’t know if we have some rules here but you should, in my opinion, stick to English. Other people might have the same problems or just be interested in whatever you are talking about, but can’t understand anything. Good ideas and solutions will be kept from people who’d want them as well, so please share your thoughts in a way everyone can understand them: English :smile:

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hi,i also find the same problem as you describe,
id: 1 or "android-19"
Name: Android 4.4.2
Type: Platform
API level: 19
Revision: 3
Skins: WVGA854, WQVGA400, WXGA800, QVGA, HVGA, WXGA800-7in, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WXGA720, WQVGA432
Tag/ABIs : default/armeabi-v7a
as you can see. my id is 1, but it still didn’t work. Can you help me ?

希望大家能够加入 Meteor 中文社区,推动 Meteor 在中文圈的发展。关于语言,建议各位在 Meteor 国际社区中优先使用英语。赞同 @fvg
QQ 群: 438397259
GitHub 组织: MeteorChina

Hope you can join Meteor China Community (MCC), to push the development of Meteor forward in China. About language, My suggestion is use English in an international community. Second what @fvg said.
QQ Group: 438397259
GitHub Organization: MeteorChina

The problem is just that the things to download have been blocked in China. Please try to use VPN or SS w/ HTTP(S)_PROXY env.

thanks, now i enjoy it.