What is the best way to get a fresh build for iOS simulator and/or iOS device. I recently updated Meteor, but my build does not seem to be updating changes at run time. I originally thought it was my swiper packages not working but it turns out nothing is updating.
I tried just deleting the build out of the .meteor folder but that gave an error. I am going to try and just remove the project from Xcode and run it again.
rm -rf .meteor/local/cordova-build will remove the Cordova project and it will be regenerated during the next build. You may want to make sure you close Xcode while you do that however, because it will pop up an error when the project files are removed while the project is open.
Hello, sorry for the late reply. I have tried your approach and unfortunately it did not work. While the simulator was started I had to go to Simulator in the menu bar and select “Reset Content and Settings…”. That seems to have done the trick for the simulator.
I haven’t tried my device yet, but I will get back when I do.
Everything seems to be working now. @martijnwalraven tip probably worked for the device itself, and my find did what it was supposed to do for the simulator. Best advice, just do both in this event.
I saw your posts online while searching for a Facebook Cordova issue. I wanted to attach a link that helped me so others can find the issue. Facebook API doesn’t play well with localhost. Either follow this guide or host the app somewhere for testing.