Good news, everyone! We have released 3.0.4 with several security and stability improvements. From Express to Cordova, a bunch of good stuff!
We’ve fixed the problem with top-level await not working in all scenarios and ensured the latest version of Reify is used everywhere in the core. We also fixed the delivery of new Meteor installs, it should be completely stable now.
We have also redoubled our commitment to researching performance improvements in Meteor.js real-time logic and providing users with the tools to make their apps more performant than ever. We will make great strides in the following releases.
Tasks and issues done in this release:
Address security warnings in the webapp/express
Correct User Agent ReDoS vulnerability
Improve documentation for connecting to MongoDB when using TLS certificates
Eliminate errors when running specific Meteor commands
Fix “Cannot enlarge memory arrays” error during Meteor updates
Resolve ‘npm’ command recognition issue on Windows
Repair broken Meteor native functionality on Windows (Cordova-related)
Prevent duplicate imports of npm modules from both app and package
Ensure consistent use of the latest Reify version and improve TLA detection
Resolve hanging issue during “Downloading Meteor distribution” in the install script
Update Node to version 20.18.0
Update TypeScript to version 5.6.2
Update Express to version 4.21.1
You can see the full list of pull requests for v3.0.4 here.
How to try it?
Installing Meteor
npx meteor
Existing projects:
meteor update --release 3.0.4
Starting a project:
meteor create app-name --release 3.0.4
Your help testing this version by creating a new app or migrating your current one will be extremely helpful!
Please give us your feedback, and if you find any issues, you can create a post here or open an issue on GitHub .
Great work on this release, I’m really liking how you know give clear estimates on the next releases so we don’t need to guess. Hopefully, the next release fixes the Cordova stuff once and for all. Thanks guys!
We made lot of fixes to Cordova on Windows for 3.0.4 release.
The Cordova issue is pending a fix in the next version is this one. The problem occurs with meteor build your cordova app, and when having in your app a plugin that indirectly imports another plugin. This causes the build to fail due to some changes on behavior on newer npm versions coming in Meteor 3. We reproduced the issue and tested the fix in 3.0.4, and worked fine apparently at the beginning, but the problem reappeared in the new version when published. The good news is that we’ve identified the new breaking case and already have a fix ready for the next release.
In the meantime, you can use a workaround by including indirect plugins in your .meteor/cordova-plugins file, which will resolve the issue.