Meteor.js V3.0 + zodern:melte-compiler

Hello, I’m trying to switch my projects to Meteor.js 3.0. However, I wanted to mention some of the problems I had here. First of all, I have to say that Meteor.js 3.0 is a big turning point for Meteor.js. I was frequently trying updates in my projects during the beta stages, but I had some problems with version 3.0.1. The first of these problems is Meteor 3.0 Migrations "ReferenceError: __DYNAMIC_VERSIONS__ is not defined" - #3 by receptim, which I have already mentioned in another topic. I found the problem by doing some logging in zodern in melte-compiler and opened a pr for the solution. As for the problem I am having now, if the language of my svelte files is set to ts, I cannot find my packages or components and I encounter errors in the client.

The errors are as follows;

Uncaught ReferenceError: cn is not defined
   at create_dynamic_element (app.js?hash=a3d748fb559ee291d9f6f554f4427f7ce08671ac:951:41)
   at create_fragment (Button.svelte:34:30)
   at init (index.mjs:2180:37)
   at new Button (app.js?hash=a3d748fb559ee291d9f6f554f4427f7ce08671ac:1291:7)
   at createProxiedComponent (zodern_melte-compiler.js?hash=d0669713b76c85b4ecbd5a328bd91e7bd5f6e6c2:1277:9)
   at new ProxyComponent (zodern_melte-compiler.js?hash=d0669713b76c85b4ecbd5a328bd91e7bd5f6e6c2:740:7)
   at new Proxy<Button> (zodern_melte-compiler.js?hash=d0669713b76c85b4ecbd5a328bd91e7bd5f6e6c2:847:11)
   at create_fragment (App.svelte:30:30)
   at init (index.mjs:2180:37)
   at new App (App.svelte:16:43)

The cn package that appears in the error message is actually an npm package (“classnames”) and I am sure it was installed successfully. In my experiments I found that it works if I import the package with require and not with import, but this is not the solution. I think we need to find out or figure out what is causing this. I did my experiments in a zero project and I encountered the same problem.

My sample svelte file;

<script lang="ts">
 // const cn = require("classnames")
 import cn from 'classnames';
 import { onMount } from "svelte"
 import { Random } from "meteor/random"
 import Icon from "./Icon.svelte"

 const id =
 export let text: null | string = null
 export let href: null | string = null
 export let tooltip: null | string = null
 export let target: null | string = null
 export let rel: null | string = null
 export let title: null | string = null
 export let icon: null | string = null
 export let form: null | string = null
 export let type: "button" | "reset" | "submit" | null = null
 export let disabled: boolean = false
 export let className: null | string = null
 export let size: "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "none" = "md"
 export let color: "primary" | "transparent" = "primary"
 export let iconSize: "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "none" | undefined = undefined
 export let iconColor: "primary" | "transparent" | undefined = undefined
 export let reverse: boolean = false

 // const cn = (..._arg: any[]) => {
 //   return ""
 // }
 onMount(() => {})

<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events -->
 this={href ? "a" : "button"}
   `inline-flex justify-center items-center rounded-full select-none ${className}`,
     "bg-violet-600 text-white dark:text-zinc-900": color === "primary",
     "bg-transparent text-zinc-800 dark:text-zinc-100": color === "transparent",
     "py-2 px-3": size === "md",
     "py-3 px-4 text-lg": size === "lg",
     "py-3 px-4 text-xl": size === "xl",
   { "flex-row-reverse": reverse }
 {#if text}
     class={cn("font-medium", {
       "text-sm": size === "md",
       "": size === "lg",

 {#if icon}
   <div class={cn("leading-none", { "ml-2": text && !reverse }, { "mr-2": text && reverse })}>
     <Icon {icon} />

Meteor version: METEOR@3.0.2-beta.4
Meteor packages;

# Meteor packages used by this project, one per line.
# Check this file (and the other files in this directory) into your repository.
# 'meteor add' and 'meteor remove' will edit this file for you,
# but you can also edit it by hand.

meteor-base@1.5.2             # Packages every Meteor app needs to have
mobile-experience@1.1.2       # Packages for a great mobile UX
mongo@2.0.1-beta302.4                   # The database Meteor supports right now

standard-minifier-css@1.9.3   # CSS minifier run for production mode
standard-minifier-js@3.0.0    # JS minifier run for production mode
es5-shim@4.8.1                # ECMAScript 5 compatibility for older browsers
ecmascript@0.16.9              # Enable ECMAScript2015+ syntax in app code
typescript@5.4.3              # Enable TypeScript syntax in .ts and .tsx modules
shell-server@0.6.0            # Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command

# static-html@1.3.3             # Define static page content in .html files
zodern:melte            # Meteor package to allow us to create files with the .svelte extension
hot-module-replacement@0.5.4  # Update client in development without reloading the page
zodern:types            # Enable types from meteor/atmosphere packages



  "name": "svelte-deneme-302b4",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "meteor run"
  "dependencies": {
    "@babel/runtime": "^7.23.5",
    "classnames": "^2.5.1",
    "meteor-node-stubs": "^1.2.7",
    "svelte": "^3.59.2",
    "svelte-preprocess": "^5.1.4"
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^5.5.4"
  "meteor": {
    "mainModule": {
      "client": "client/main.js",
      "server": "server/main.js"
    "nodeModules": {
      "recompile": {
        "svelte": [
    "testModule": "tests/main.js"
  "svelte:compiler": {
    "extensions": [
    "hydratable": true,
    "css": false

Hello, although I do not know exactly what the problem is caused by, we are experiencing this problem in typescript version 5.5.4. I was able to run the project by fixing it to version 5.4.4.

"devDependencies": {
    "svelte-preprocess": "^5.1.4",
    "typescript": "5.4.4"