Meteor Kouto Swiss - Package for Kouto Swiss - A complete CSS Framework

If you like of Stylus Ecosystem, meteor-kouto-swiss is for you, see:

Meteor Kouto Swiss - Package for Kouto Swiss - A complete CSS Framework

This is a complete Meteor package to work with Stylus, using:

Kouto Swiss, a complete css framework for Stylus;+ Jeet, a grid system for humans;+ Rupture, a utility for working with media queries in stylus;+ Axis, a magical utility belt for stylus;+ AutoPrefixer, an autoprefixer plugin for stylus;+ Nib, a small library for providing robust cross-browser CSS3 mixins;+ Typographic, is responsive typography made easy.


Install using Meteor’s package management system:

meteor add girassolbit:meteor-kouto-swiss


Add this import to the top of your main .styl file(s) in styles directory:

@import ‘kouto-swiss’
@import ‘jeet’
@import ‘rupture’
@import ‘nib’
@import ‘typographic’